August & Jones Shortlisted in the CBCA Awards

A very quick post to say how delighted I am that August & Jones has been shortlisted in the CBCA Book of the Year Awards for 2023. This is what the CBCA Younger Reader judges said:

August and Jones explores complex and challenging concepts such as parental expectations, drought, unemployment, changing homes and schools, anxiety, depression and childhood cancer. The characterisation is strong, with adults and children presented in an authentic and believable way. Contrasts in family life are highlighted with Jones's supportive family juxtaposed with August's angry father, depressed mother and sibling ties. The book is written expertly and sensitively, balanced with humour, showing how friendship, love, personal strength and belief in oneself and others can help overcome difficulties, change and loss. Jones’ cancer is never used for sympathy, and she remains positive despite the hardships she faces.

The other amazing books shortlisted in my category are:

Evie and Rhino Neridah McMullin ill. Astred Hicks (Walker Books Australia)

The Raven's Song Zana Fraillon & Bren MacDibble (Allen & Unwin)

Runt Craig Silvey (Allen & Unwin)

The Way of Dog Zana Fraillon ill. Sean Buckingham (University of Queensland Press)

Xavier in the Meantime Kate Gordon (Riveted Press)

Full list here

Winners will be announced on Friday 18 August, kicking off the literary celebrations of Book Week.